About Us

Hi, my name is Valerie, and I love my dogs: some might say a little too much!

I started baking treats back in 2021 because I was struggling to find good ones for my two furkids, Laurent and Saint.

The only options at the time were:

1) Cheap, mass produced supermarket brands full of harmful chemicals.

2) Premium imported brands that were often too expensive because of the exchange rate.

And so I decided to make what I couldn't find: healthy, high-quality dog treats that don't cost an arm, a leg, and a tail.

Starting from scratch was a challenging journey. I spent months speaking to vets. Researching ingredients to find out what's good and bad. Buying baking and packaging tools. And testing countless recipes.

What I finally learned was simple: dogs need wholesome ingredients in their treats, just like humans do. And because many are prone to allergies and digestion problems, it's usually best to keep the number of ingredients to a minimum.

Today, I make treats for those of us who treat our dogs as family. The way I see it, we already have so little time with them on planet earth. And every choice we make for them - including their treats - should be in support of a long, healthy, happy life.

I believe your dog deserves better too. And I'd love for my treats to end up in their bowl soon.

Valerie Atkinson

Founder of Whit3puppy


P.S. Why 'Whit3puppy'? Firstly because that was my nickname back when I used to race cars. And secondly, the name represents what I want my treats to be: pure, innocent, and irresistible to any dog who tries them :-)